Ingredients for Curry Cooking
Know your ingredients here for cooking a delicious Indian curry. Herbs and Spices are just the starting, understanding the whole story of other ingredients like spice mixes, dals, grains, rice and certain flours in Indian cooking is crucial for a successful recipe. It is also interesting to know the array of colorful, flavoursome and aromatic ingredients. Here is our small effort to bring the curry ingredients to your kind attention.
Quality Curry is distinguished by its ingredients
Success in any cooking is achieved by quality of ingredients and precise timing. Choosing the right ingredients for a specific recipe is key. Hence it is vital to understand the characteristics of its ingredients. From aromatic herbs and spices to heartful dals, rice, beans and grains - all are important elements of a wholesome, healthy and tasty curry. Curry2Night helps you choose the quality ingredients and encourages you to use natural contents.

Know Your Curry Ingredients
Main ingredients that make your curry enjoyable and authentic
The leafy bits of an aromatic plant are referred to as herbs. Not only herbs provide aroma and taste to any cuisine but add an essence of health and wellness too. Herbs in both forms, fresh or dried used extensively in Indian cooking to enhance a curry’s spice appeal. Read more...
A plant’s seed, flower, bark, root or stalk used in cooking generally known as a spice. Mostly in dried form, either whole or powdered, spices are an important ingredient in Indian cooking. The unique taste and exotic aromas in a curry come from spices. Read more...
Spices Mixes
A spice mix is created with two or more spices ground together to evolve an entirely different flavour and aroma. Garam masala is a fine and popular example of a spice mix. Extensively used in Indian cooking, the spices mixes list is endless, each hailing from different regions of India. Read more...
Probably the most common carb of our meals that is gluten free and widely enjoyed in the east is rice. From easy-cook long grain type to luxurious basmati, rice comes in many forms and colours. Rice is also cooked in many styles, plain steamed to lavish biryanis in Indian cuisine. Read more...
The most ignored protein rich ingredients of Indian cooking in the west are dals or lentils. Probably dal cooking is not widely known or not explored enough of its flavours. Dal or lentil is a divine and delicious ingredient of Indian cooking for vegans and vegetarians to top up their proteins. Read more...
The variety of grains used in Indian subcontinent is infinite. From millets to oily seeds, from beans to legumes, grains are an essential part of Indian cooking. Grains provide much more than carbs. Your daily recommended fibre, minerals and vitamins also come from grains. Read more...